HC Deb 24 July 1996 vol 282 cc361-3W
Mrs. Dunwoody

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the income raised from the operators' licence fees for each of the last 10 years. [38141]

Mr. Bowis

Allowing for the attribution to the year in question of the five-yearly element of the licence fee, the income generated is as follows:

Year HGV operator licensing PSV operator licensing Bus registration
1986–87 Not available Not available Not available
1987–88 Not available 3,364,042 582,887
1988–89 12,141,076 4,460,042 609,441
1989–90 14,585,408 2,885,750 715,585
1990–91 13,928,538 3,901,241 691,427
1991–92 14,588,537 3,847,562 673,826
1992–93 15,424,930 3,758,355 633,550
1993–94 19,093,817 3,959,235 668,594

Year HGV operator licensing PSV operator licensing Bus registration
1994–95 21,442,222 4,289,297 779,667
1995–96 22,108,672 4,796,730 720,712

Mrs. Dunwoody

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the annual operator licensing fees for heavy goods vehicles and public service vehicles in each of the last 10 years. [38140]

Mr. Bowis

Fees for operator licensing of heavy goods vehicles and public service vehicles are as listed.

Heavy Goods Vehicles—Operator Licensing Fees (covering a five year period)
Date Grant fee (£) Vehicle fee(£)
From 1 May 1986 20 (grant of licence) 15 (grant of major variation) 100
3 January 1989 60 grant of licence or major variation 100
1 October 1991 70 grant of licence or major variation 140
1 April 1993 170 grant of licence or major variation 140
1 June 1994 185 grant of licence or major variation 160
1 July 1995 185 grant of licence or major variation 170
New Fee structure from 1 January 1996
Application for a licence or major variation 160 (one-off)
Issue of licence 250
Continuation of licence 250
Vehicle fee (£34 per annum if paid annually) 140

Public service vehicle—operator licensing fees
Effective date Fee type Fee Period
26 October 1986 Licence Grant £3.50 per month For validity of licence (normally 5 years)
Vehicle discs £3.50 each For validity of licence per month (normally 5 years)
Special licence (for holders of taxi licences) £40 5 years
Note: Fees to be paid five years in advance to cover period of validity of licence. 1 December 1993 Fees raised, but structure and payment system remained the same:
1 December 1993 Licence grant £4.50
Vehicle discs £4.50
1 January 1996 Fees structure changed with introduction of continuous licensing—some new fees introduced but vehicle disc fees unchanged for operators who elect to pay 5 years fees in advance. Operators paying disc fees on annual basis, pay an increased fee;
1 January 1996 Application for standard licence £150 one — off fee
Public service vehicle—operator licensing fees
Effective date Fee type Fee Period
Application for restricted licence Grant charge £100 one— off fee £100 First 5 years of licence
Continuation in force of licence £100 subsequent 5 years
Application to vary a licence Vehicle discs £75 one— off fee £4.50 each per month If paid 5 years in advance; or
£5.25 each per month If paid one year in advance
Special licence £40 5 years