HC Deb 01 July 1996 vol 280 cc358-60W
Sir Ralph Howell

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will list the separate agencies operating under his Department, with the names of the scientists appointed to each and the percentage of the membership those scientists represent. [33881]

Mr. Boswell

The Ministry has six executive agencies.:

  • Agricultural Development and Advisory Service (ADAS)
  • Central Science Laboratory (CSL)
  • Meat Hygiene Service (MHS)
  • Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD)
  • Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA)
  • Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD)

I have asked agency chief executives to reply direct to the hon. Member on the remaining part of his question.

Letter from Phillip Needham to Sir Ralph Howell, dated 1 July 1996:

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has asked me to reply direct to your Parliamentary Question in which you ask for the names of the scientists appointed to each Agency and the percentage of membership those scientists represent. [33881]

The information for ADAS is as follows:

  • Assistant Scientific Officer: 199
  • Scientific Officer: 87
  • Higher Scientific Officer: 28
  • Total: 314
  • Percentage of membership of total staff: 18

Letter from Professor P. I. Stanley to Sir Ralph Howell, dated 1 July 1996:

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has asked me to reply to your question about names of scientists and the percentage of membership those scientists represent in his executive agencies in respect of his Central Science Laboratory (CSL) Agency, as this is an operational matter for which I am responsible. [33881]

I am placing copies of CSL's Annual Science Review 1994, which includes a staff listing, in the House Libraries. The percentage of scientific staff in CSL is 72%.

Letter from Johnston McNeill to Sir Ralph Howell, dated 1 July 1996:

As Chief Executive of the Meat Hygiene Service your question to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food relating to scientists employed by Agencies under MAFF's control has been passed to me for reply with respect to this Executive Agency.

The Meat Hygiene Service (MHS) was launched on 1 April 1995 as an Executive Agency of MAFF. It took over from some 300 local authorities responsibility for enforcement of the hygiene, inspection and welfare at slaughter legislation in licensed meat premises in England, Scotland and Wales.

The MHS headquarters are based in York where the Chief Executive and the supporting functions of Operations, Finance, Human Resources and Information Technology are based. MHS services are managed by six regional offices. The Head of Operations as well as two of the Regional Managers are qualified Veterinary Surgeons. The MHS also employs Official Veterinary Surgeons (OVSs) to supervise meat inspection staff working in plants. The MHS directly employs 37 OVSs and in addition contracts out work to 110 full time equivalent vets to supplement them. 7 vets are also used on a casual basis. This represents 12% of the total MHS workforce.

I am sure you will appreciate that, for security reasons, the MHS is unable to disclose the names of its employees.

Letter from G. K. Bruce to Sir Ralph Howell, dated 1 July 1996:

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has asked me to reply, in respect of the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD), to your question concerning the names of scientists appointed to PSD, and the percentage of the membership that these scientists represent. [3388]

I regret that, for reasons of security, I am unable to provide the names of the scientific staff employed by PSD. However, I can advise that PSD employs 134 scientists, which is 63% of the total staffing of the agency.

Letter from T. W. A. Little to Sir Ralph Howell, dated 1 July 1996:

The Minister has asked me to reply to your question on scientists in the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA).

The VLA was established on 1 October 1995, from the merger of the existing Central Veterinary Laboratory with the Veterinary Investigation Service, which was part of the State Veterinary Service.

There are currently 1,049 staff employed by the VLA. The VLA's aim is to provide MAFF with an effective and efficient service of specialist veterinary, scientific and technical support, consultancy and surveillance in the fields of animal health and welfare, food safety and the environment. To support this work, the majority of VLA employees are scientists and veterinarians.

Letter from J. M. Rutter to Sir Ralph Howell, dated 1 July 1996:

The Minister has asked me to reply to your question about scientists employed in the Veterinary Medicines Directorate as this is an operational matter for which I am responsible. [33881]

There are currently 33 scientists employed in the VMD, representing 30% of the staff. The names of VMD's scientific and other senior staff are set out in the April 1996 edition of MAVIS to assist companies in their dealings with the Agency. Copies of MAVIS are in the House Library.