HL Deb 28 February 1996 vol 569 cc105-6WA
Lord Trefgarne

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What part they will play in relation to the Millennium Exhibition.

The Lord Privy Seal (Viscount Cranborne):

The Government very much welcomes the announcement by the Millennium Commission of its decision to stage a national millennium exhibition in Greenwich. This visionary and exciting scheme will enable the whole nation to mark this significant event in a wholly appropriate way. It should also encourage large numbers of overseas visitors to join in our national celebrations during the millennium year.

Arrangements for the millennium exhibition are the responsibility of the independent Millennium Commission. The exhibition will be funded by the Commission from its share of National Lottery proceeds and from private sector contributions. Given its scale, the event will, however, raise many issues to which the Government have to respond.

In order to ensure that the Government's participation in this significant national event is well planned and co-ordinated, my right honourable friend the Prime Minister has asked the First Secretary of State and Deputy Prime Minister, to convene a Ministerial Group with the following terms of reference: to oversee the Government's role in relation to the Millennium Festival and to take forward any necessary planning of the Government's involvement in this event.

In addition to the chairman, members of the group will be as follows:

  • Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • Secretary of State for the Home Department
  • Secretary of State for the Environment
  • Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
  • Secretary of State for National Heritage
  • Lord Privy Seal
  • Secretary of State for Transport
  • Secretary of State for Scotland
  • Secretary of State for Wales

Other Ministers will be invited to attend for items in which they have a departmental interest.

The Government will do all they can to assist the Millennium Commission to ensure that the millennium festival is an outstanding successful national event.