- Asylum Seekers 1,554 words c87W
- Departmental Suppliers 105 words cc87-8W
- Immigration 153 words c88W
- Regulatory Bodies 124 words c88W
- Drugs-related Crime 61 words c88W
- Electronic Monitoring 156 words cc88-9W
- Ponies (Research) 84 words c89W
- Pepper Sprays 81 words c89W
- Unified Incident Report and Alerting System 68 words cc89-90W
- Criminal Justice and Public Order 1994 267 words cc90-1W
- Terrorist Prisoners 422 words c91W
- Mentally Ill Prisoners 216 words c91W
- Female Fine Defaulters 277 words cc91-2W
- Holloway Prison 123 words