HL Deb 19 February 1996 vol 569 c62WA
Lord Clinton-Davis

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they hope to announce the conclusions of the investigations which have taken place into the construction and structural viability of hulk carriers.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Transport (Viscount Goschen):

I have asked the Chief Executive of the Marine Safety Agency, Mr. Robin Bradley, to write to the noble Lord.

Letter to Lord Clinton-Davis from the Chief Executive of the Marine Safety Agency, Mr. R. M. Bradley, dated 19 February 1996:

The Secretary of State for Tram port has asked me to reply to your Question about the announcement of conclusions of the investigations into the construction and viability of hulk carriers.

In December 1994, the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organisation set up a correspondence group to examine the safety of ships carrying solid hulk cargoes. The correspondence group were given terms of reference to consider all relevant risks to dry hulk carriers, define problems and suggest solutions.

The group reported hack to the Maritime Safety Committee at the end of March 1995 and, after discussion of the report in May 1995, the Committee instructed the correspondence group to continue its work. The correspondence group will submit its report to the Maritime Safety Committee in March 1996 for discussion at its meeting at the end of May.

The final results of this work will depend on the extent to which agreement to the proposals of the report is reached by the Maritime Safety Committee.