§ Mr. KilfoyleTo ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement on the level of elective surgical admissions to Fazakerley hospital, Liverpool, and the impact of the market forces factor in the funding formulae. [15132]
§ Mr. HoramFazakerley hospital is part of Aintree Hospitals national health service trust. The number of elective admissions to the acute surgical specialty in Aintree Hospitals NHS trust during 1993–94, the latest period for which figures are held centrally, was 21,1501.
The purpose of the market forces factor in the weighted capitation funding formula for health authorities is to take account of the geographical variations in the cost of providing health services.
Hospital Episode Statistics1
§ Mr. KilfoyleTo ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement on the discharging of patients from Fazakerley hospital under the care in the community legislation. [15133]
§ Mr. BowisResponsibility for the discharge of patients from Fazakerley hospital, part of Aintree Hospital national health service trust, under the care in the community legislation lies with clinicians. The hon. Member may wish to contact the chairman of the trust for details.