HL Deb 07 February 1996 vol 569 c18WA
Lord Braine of Wheatley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What plans they have for improving the A.127 during 1996 and concerning the Fortune of War roundabout at Basildon.

Viscount Goschen:

I have asked the Chief Executive of the Highways Agency, Mr. Lawrie Haynes, to write to my noble friend.

Letter to Lord Braine of Wheatley from the Chief Executive of the Highways Agency, Mr. Lawrie Haynes, dated 7 February 1996.

Viscount Goschen has asked me to write to you in reply to your recent parliamentary Question about plans for improving the A.127 during 1996 and about the Fortune of War Roundabout at Basildon.

Network enhancement projects to improve road safety on the A.127 arc planned at Bonvilles Farm and Rayleigh Downs Road and will be taken forward when funds become available. In addition, a privately funded westbound on-slip road safety scheme is proposed at Rayleigh Weir.

It was announced last November that a scheme to widen the A.127 between the M.25 and Rayleigh Weir had been withdrawn from the trunk road programme because of the high level of opposition to the proposals. As a consequence of this, the Highways Agency will he looking to see what other minor improvements may he practical, particularly at the substandard junctions and accesses.

The Fortune of War roundabout has recently been removed on an experimental basis which has improved traffic flow. The situation there is being monitored before a decision is made on whether to make the change permanent.