HC Deb 16 April 1996 vol 275 cc389-90W
Mr. Blunkett

To ask the Secretary of State Education and Employment if she will list total capital expenditure on schools in cash and real terms for each year since 1974–75. [20570]

Mrs. Gillan

The table gives the total expenditure on schools capital between 1974–75 and 1994–95—the latest date for which figures are available—in cash and 1994–95 price terms.

The hon. Gentleman has chosen the base year with care. It should be noted that capital expenditure was higher in real terms before 1974–75 under the Conservative Administration. The level of expenditure in the 1970s reflects both the rise in the school population, as a result of demographic changes and the raising of the school leaving age, and the building work required by comprehensive schools. The fall in expenditure in real terms after 1974–75 was partly the result of the Labour Government having to deal with the International Monetary Fund crisis.

Between 1979–80 and 1994–95, capital expenditure increased in real terms by over 19 per cent. The introduction of the private finance initiative in the schools sector now offers new opportunities for bolstering capital expenditure on schools by levering in investment from the private sector.

Capital expenditure on schools 1974–75 to 1994–95
Year Total1 1994–95 prices
1974–75 346.7 1,818.5
1975–76 369.6 1,545.3
1976–77 362.2 1,334.3
1977–78 315.0 1,021.5
1978–79 296.7 865.3
1979–80 325.1 812.4
1980–81 391.1 826.0
1981–82 314.4 605.5
1982–83 327.8 589.4
1983–84 343.1 589.4
1984–85 368.6 602.9
1985–86 396.5 614.9
1986–87 420.2 632.5
1987–88 470.3 672.2
1988–89 628.6 842.1
1989–90 782.3 979.6
1990–91 779.2 903.2
1991–92 795.4 867.9
1992–93 809.1 848.4
1993–94 894.5 911.3
1994–952 968.7 968.7

Up to 1992–93 figures include sixth form colleges; in 1993–94 sixth form colleges became the responsibility of the FEFC.

1 The totals include local education authority schools capital expenditure; Government grant aid to voluntary aided and special agreement schools; governors' contributions to capital cots at VA/SA schools; grant-maintained schools capital grant; Government grants to and private sponsorship of technology colleges and city technology colleges. They do not include provision for repairs at VA/SA schools.

Figures for sponsorship of city technology colleges amount to £37 million up to 1994–95. However, only £31 million of this is included in the table; information held centrally does not enable the remaining £6 million to be apportioned to specific financial years.

2Includes provisional figures for LEA outturn expenditure.