HL Deb 03 April 1996 vol 571 c45WA
Lord Lucas of Chilworth

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they intend to publish proposals for ensuring that the United Kingdom meets its commitments under the second UN Economic Commission for European Sulphur Protocol.

The Minister of State, Department of the Environment (Earl Ferrers)

Under the terms of the second UNECE Sulphur Protocol, the United Kingdom is committed, among other things, to reducing national emissions of sulphur dioxide by 80 per cent. by 2010 compared with 1980 levels. We are developing a national strategy for meeting these commitments. The strategy will go beyond the existing national plan which gives effect in the United Kingdom to the requirements of the EC Large Combustion Plant Directive in looking at all sources of emissions.

In developing the strategy, we are now reviewing the operation of the national plan to see whether it will still be appropriate in its current form, in the context of the strategy and in the light of the substantial reductions which have been achieved—and those which are now forecast—in the level of emissions from large combustion plant.

We hope to publish a consultation document on our proposals shortly.