HL Deb 17 October 1995 vol 566 c92WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When the response to the House of Commons Environment Select Committee's report on the Environmental Impact of Leisure Activities will be published.

Earl Ferrers

Our response is being published today, as a supplementary memorandum to the committee's report on the Environmental Impact of Leisure Activities.

We welcome the committee's report, and we are pleased to note the general thrust of the committee's findings. We share its view that there is no evidence that tourism and leisure pose a serious, immediate or intrinsic threat to the environment. Nevertheless, we acknowledge the need for effective management to take account of potential impacts. These impacts are most likely to be felt and be best resolved at the local level, taking account both of the diversity of the countryside and the knowledge and experience of local communities.

We strongly agree with the committee that the economic benefits which tourism and leisure can bring to rural areas should be more widely recognised. We also welcome the committee's endorsement of the principles of "Green Tourism" and their contribution towards securing a sustainable tourism industry.

We have addressed many of these issues in the context of the Rural White Paper, which acknowledges the distinctive nature of the countryside, its value to the nation, and the importance of vibrant local communities.