HC Deb 21 November 1995 vol 267 cc103-4W
Mr. Spearing

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what legislation has been agreed by the European Union arising from the social chapter of the Single European Act treaty or the work programme arising from the social charter agreed in Strasbourg by the European Council in 1989, which by virtue of the protocol on social policy in the treaty on European Union does not apply to the United Kingdom; what articles authorised such legislation; and what proposals in or likely to be in this category of legislation are before either the Council of Ministers or the Council of Permanent Representatives. [1481]

Mr. Forth

One directive, on European works councils, has been adopted by the other European Community member states under article 2.2 of their agreement on social policy. Three other dossiers, covering parental leave, part-time and temporary work and reversal of the burden of proof in sex discrimination cases, are currently being considered under the agreement and may result in further legislative measures.