HC Deb 08 November 1995 vol 265 c962W
Mr. Rooney

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many unemployed people have been referred to 1–2–1 by Employment Service counsellors since April in each region and in Great Britain as a whole; how many attended and completed 1–2–1; what were the outcomes of the participants; how many had their income support reduced for not attending or failing to complete their attendance on 1–2–1; if she will break down this information by(a) ethnicity, (b) disability and (c) gender; and if she will make a statement. [41915]

Mr. Forth

Responsibility for the subject of the question has been delegated to the Employment Service under its chief executive. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from M. E. G. Fogden to Mr. Terry Rooney, dated 7 November 1995:

The Secretary of State has asked me to reply to your question about the 1–2–1 interview programme.Unfortunately the information is not available in the exact form you require as we do not collect it by ethnic origin, disability or gender. I have set out the remainder of the information you requested in the attached table (Annex 1).It may be helpful if I explain that 1–2–1 was piloted in 1994/95 and introduced nationally from April 1995. It provides help for 18–24 year olds who have been unemployed for a year. Attendance is mandatory for people who decline other offers of help and it therefore takes the place of Jobplan Workshops for this client group.1–2–1, which offers 95,000 places in 1995/96, provides a series of caseload interviews with an Employment Service adviser. By using a caseload approach advisers are able to offer clients concentrated help and information. The figures in the table show that 1–2–1 has proved extremely successful in achieving job placings and other positive outcomes.For those who 1–2–1 is unable to help a linked four week course, Workwise, provides further help with job search and confidence building. Workwise is also made available immediately, in preference to 1–2–1, for those clients to whom it is more appropriate.I hope this is helpful.