HL Deb 23 May 1995 vol 564 c55WA
Lord Lyell

asked Her Majesty's Government:

If they will publish the results of the recent survey of satisfaction with the levels of service the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food's regional organisation provides for the farming public.

Earl Howe

In accordance with the principles of the Citizen's Charter, a survey of customers of the MAFF Regional Service Centres was carried out by a firm of independent consultants in early 1995. The overall results are very positive and show that nearly nine in ten customers felt their MAFF centre had done a good, very good or excellent job in dealing with their most recent scheme or licence application. We will be considering carefully what can be done to address those areas where our customers feel that there is scope for improvement in our performance.

I have placed copies of the consultants' report in the Library of the House.