HC Deb 10 May 1995 vol 259 cc446-50W
Mr. Morley

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list those sites which(a) have been designated or (b) meet the criteria for designation as (i) special protection areas under the European Community directive on the conservation of wild birds or (ii) Ramsar sites under the convention of wetlands of international importance. [22369]

Sir Hector Monro

The information is set out in the tables. Sites are designated by my right hon. Friend on the advice of Scottish Natural Heritage. The lists of sites at(b)(i) and (ii) contain those which in the opinion of Scottish Natural Heritage qualify by designation.

(a)(i) Sites Designated under the European Community Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds
Site Location
Flannan Isles Western Isles
St. Kilda
Shiant Isles
Monarch Island
Loch Druidibeg/Loch a' Machair
Mingulay and Berneray
Handa Highland
Priest Island
Loch Maree
Loch Eye
Abernethy Forest
Loch Vaa
Hermaness and Saxa Vord, Unst Shetland
Fair Isle
Marwick Head Orkney
Sule Skerry and Stack
Loch Spynie Grampian
Loch of Skene
Glen Tanar
Coll Strathclyde
Treshnish Isles
Gruinart Flats, Islay
Bridgend Flats, Islay
Laggan Peninsula Islay
Eilean na Muice Duibhe, Islay
Glac na Criche, Islay
Feur Lochain, Islay
Ailsa Craig
Loch Ken and Dee Marshes Dumfries and Galloway
Upper Solway Flats and Marshes
Montrose Basin Tayside
South Tayside Goose Roosths
Loch of Kinnordy
Loch of Lintrathen
(a)(i) Sites Designated under the European Community Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds
Site Location
Cameron Reservoir Fife
Forth Islands Lothian
Gladhouse Reservoir
Fala Flow
Hoselaw Loch Borders
(a)(ii) Ramsar sites designated under the convention on wetlands of international importance.
Site Location
Loch An Duin Western Isles
Loch Druidibeg, Loch a'Machair and Loch Stilligary
Claish Moss Highland
Loch Maree
Loch Eye
Loch Spynie Grampian
Cairngorm Lochs
Loch of Skene
Coll Strathclyde
Gruinart Flats, Islay
Bridgend Flats, Islay
Eilean na Muice Duibhe, Islay
Glac na Criche, Islay
Feur Lochain, Islay
Loch Ken and Dee Marshes Dumfries and Galloway
Upper Solway Flats and Marshes
Silver Flowe
Rannoch Moor Tayside
Montrose Basin
South Tayside Goose Roosts
Loch of Kinnordy
Loch of Lintrathen
Loch Leven
Cameron Reservoir Fife
Gladhouse Reservoir Lothian
Fala Flow
Loch Lomond Central
Hoselaw Loch Borders
(b)(i) Sites which in the opinion of Scottish Natural Heritage qualify for designation under the European Community Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds
Site Location
North Rona and Sula Sgeir Western Isles
West Sound of Harris
South Uist Machair and Lochs
West Sound of Barra
Baleshare and Kirkibost
Loch Scadavay
Lewis Peatlands
North Harris Mountains
Pentland Firth Islands Highland
The Peatlands
(b)(i) Sites which in the opinion of Scottish Natural Heritage qualify for designation under the European Community Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds
Site Location
Caithness Lochs
Caithness Cliffs
Cape Wrath
Inverpolly, Loch Urigill and Nearby Lochs
Loch Ruthven and Nearby Lochs
Central Highland Hills and Glens
Assynt Lochs
Loch Stack, Loch Nam Brae and Nearby Lochs
Loch Shin and Nearby Lochs
Moray Basin Firths and Bays
Beinn Dearg
Ben Wyvis
Glengarry Lochs
Loch Tarff and Nearby Lochs
North Inverness Lochs
River Spey-Insh Marshes
Drumochter Hills
Ben Alder
Creag Meagaidh
Ramna Stacks and Gruney Shetland
North Roe and Tingon, Mainland Shetland
Papa Stour
Sumburgh Head
Croussa Field and the Heogs
Lochs of Spiggie and Brow
Blackpark and Gutcher, Yell
Moorland Areas, Central Shetland
West Burrafirth, Shetland
Hill of Colvadale and Sobul
West Westray Orkney
Papa Westray (North Hill and Holm)
Lochs of Harray and Stenness
West Mainland Moors
North Mainland Coast
South Westray Coast
East Sanday
North Ronaldsay Coast
Southeastern Stronsay
Mill Dam, Shapinsay
Orphir and Stenness Hills
Loch of Isbister
Loch of Strathbeg Grampian
Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Lochs
Troup, Pennan and Lion Heads
St. Cyrus
Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast
Rosehearty to Fraserburgh Coast
Loch Oire
Muir of Dinnet
An Socach-Carn a Gheoidh
Rhinns of Islay Strathclyde
Islay: the Oa
(b)(i) Sites which in the opinion of Scottish Natural Heritage qualify for designation under the European Community Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds
Site Location
Inner Clyde Estuary
Rhunahaorine Point
Machrihanish and Tangy Loch
North Colonsay and Western Cliffs
Lochinch and Torrs Warren Dumfries and Galloway
Wigtown Bay
Castle Loch, Lochmaben
Caenlochan Tayside
Tay-Isla Valley
Loch Leven
Firth of Tay
Eden Estuary, Tentsmuir Point and Abertay Sands Fife
Firth of Forth Lothian
Loch Lomond Central
Flanders Moss and Lake of Menteith
Westwater Borders
St. Abb's Head to Fast Castle
Greenlaw Moor and Hule Moss
(b)(ii) Sites which in the opinion of Scottish Natural Heritage qualify for designation under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance
Site Location
West Sound of Harris Western Isles
South Uist Machair and Lochs
West Sound of Barra
Baleshare and Kirkibost
Lewis Peatlands
The Peatlands Highland
Caithness Lochs
Durness Lochs and Streams
Loch Morar
Kentra Moss
Inverpolly, Loch Urgill and Nearby Lochs
Assynt Lochs
Moray Basin Forths and Bays
River Spey—Insh Marshes
Hermaness and Saxa Vord, Unst Shetland
North Roe and Tingon, Mainland
Lochs of Spiggie and Brow
Lochs of Harray and Stenness Orkney
North Mainland Coast
South Westray Coast
East Sanday
Mill Dam, Shapinsay
North Ronaldsay Coast
Southeastern Stronsay
Loch of Strathbeg Grampian
Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Lochs
Rosehearty to Fraserburgh Coast
Muir of Dinnet
(b)(ii) Sites which in the opinion of Scottish Natural Heritage qualify for designation under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance
Site Location
Rhinns of Islay Strathclyde
Inner Clyde Estuary
Machrihanish and Tangy Loch
Lochinch and Torrs Warren Dumfries and Galloway
Wigtown Bay
Castle Loch, Lochmaben
Tay-Isla Valley Tayside
Firth of Tay
Eden Estuary, Tentsmuir Point and Abertay Sands Fife
Firth of Forth Lothian
Flanders Moss and Lake of Menteith Central
Westwater Borders
Moorfoot Hills
Greenlaw Moor and Hule Moss


Some larger sites are located within more than one local authority area.

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