§ Mr. BarronTo ask the Secretary of State for Employment (1) how many places were provided by each TEC in(a) the current year, (b) the previous three years for (i) special needs trainees, (ii) those unemployed for 12 months or over and (iii) those unemployed for 24 months or over; [22994]
(2) what is the average length of stay for (a) men, (b) women, (c) each ethnic group and (d) special needs trainees on (i) youth training and (ii) training for work or employment training; and, for each programme, how many trainees and, what proportion have been in training for (1) more than 20 weeks, (2) between 20 and 52 weeks, 439W (3) more than 52 weeks but under 104 weeks and (4) over 104 weeks; and what were the corresponding figures in each of the last five years; [22993]
(3) how many people (a) applied for and (b) were in receipt of (i) enterprise allowance and (ii) business start-up allowance for each TEC area, in each region, and for Great Britain as a whole in each of the last five years; [22995]
(4) in each of the last three years, what has been the number of NVQs achieved, and at what levels, by entrants to (a) the YT programme and (b) the training for work programme for each TEC in (i) each region and (ii) the United Kingdom; [22952]
(5) how many (a) men, (b) women, (c) members of each ethnic group and (d) special needs trainees currently have places on (i) YT and (ii) training for work or ET for each TEC in (1) each region and (2) for each country of the United Kingdom; and what were the figures in each of the last five years; [22988]
(6) what is the average length of stay on (a) training for work and (b) YT programmes broken down by (i) gender, (ii) ethnic group and (iii) those with a disability or health problem for each TEC in (1) each region and (2) the United Kingdom. [22951]
§ Mr. PaiceAs this information is contained in a number of tables, I will write to the hon. Member and place a copy of my reply in the Library.