HC Deb 01 May 1995 vol 259 cc11-2W
Mr. Morley

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many permits have been issued to falconers to take protected species of birds as quarry in each year since 1988; what were the species in respect of which such permits were issued; and what were the number of each species taken. [21247]

Sir Hector Monro

Details of licences issued to take protected species in the course of falconry in Scotland for the period 1988–1993 are listed in the table. Figures are not yet available for 1994.

Species Number of Licences1 Birds killed Year
Alauda arvensis 2 0 1988
Corvus frugilegus 1
Gallinula chloropus 1
Lagopus lagopus 0
Larus ridibundus 0
Perdix perdix 0
Phasianus colchicus 2

Species Number of Licences1 Birds killed Year
Turdus merula 0
Anas crecca 1 0 1989
Anas platyrhnchos 0
Gallinula chloropus 0
Lagopus lagopus 0
Larus ridibundus 0
Perdix perdix 0
Phasianus colchicus 2
Turdus merula 0
Alauda arvensis 3 3 1990
Anthus pratensis 27
Gallinula chloropus 0
Lagopus lagopus 0
Larus ridibundus 0
Perdix perdix 0
Phasianus colchicus 0
Turdus merula 1
Turdus philomelos 1
Alauda arvensis 2 3 1991
Anthus pratensis 8
Alauda arvensis 2 10 1992
Anthus pratensis 10
Alauda arvensis 2 0 1993
Anthus pratensis 0
Turdus merula 2
Turdus philomelos 0
1Licences covered all or some of the named species.

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