HC Deb 28 March 1995 vol 257 cc519-20W
Mr. Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how the judges for the international tribunal for Rwanda are to be selected; and what United Kingdom involvement there will be at(a) the judicial and (b) any other level. [16602]

Mr. Douglas Hogg

The Secretary General has invited states to nominate candidates as judges of the trial chambers of the international criminal court for Rwanda. Nominations will be forwarded to the Security Council which will draw up a shortlist of between 12 and 18 candidates. From that list the General Assembly will elect six judges.

We are currently seeking to identify a candidate for a judge's position. We are also looking for personnel to work within the prosecutor's office.

Mr. Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs which states have indicated their willingness to accept responsibility for the custody of convicted persons from the Rwanda genocide tribunal. [16600]

Mr. Douglas Hogg

The statute of the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda statesImprisonment shall be served in Rwanda or any of the States on a list of States which have indicated to the Security Council their willingness to accept convicted persons, as designated by the International Tribunal for Rwanda

States have not yet been called upon to indicate whether they are willing to detain convicted persons.

Mr. Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what action is being taken by the UN authorities to prevent the training of Hutu militiamen in or near Rwandan refugee camps in Zaire. [16599]

Mr. Douglas Hogg

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is working in partnership with the Government of Zaire to ensure security in the camps. We have contributed £0.5 million towards the costs of the international liaison group established to oversee the agreement. The United Nations has no mandate to take further action within Zaire as the Government of Zaire are responsible for the governance of their own territory.

Mr. Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs which Governments have made contributions to the trust fund for the international tribunal for Rwanda. [16601]

Mr. Douglas Hogg

Contributions to the trust fund for the international tribunal for Rwanda have been pledged or contributed by Switzerland, New Zealand, Chile, Norway, the USA, Israel and Lebanon.

The United Kingdom has pledged £200,000 towards the cost of seconding British personnel to the tribunal.