HC Deb 21 March 1995 vol 257 cc191-2W
Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales, how many general dental practitioners have resigned from the NHS in Gwynedd over the past two years.

Mr. Richards

According to information supplied by the Gwynedd family health services authority, 12 dentists have resigned from the dental list since 1 January 1993. During this period nine dentists have commenced provided general dental services under NHS arrangements.

Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales, how many NHS dental patients have been deregistered by general dental practitioners in Gwynedd since September 1993.

Mr. Richards

From information supplied by the Gwynedd Family Health Services Authority, 6,864 adult patients have been deregistered since the beginning of September 1993; during that period no children have been deregistered.

This is a cumulative total and does not indicate how many of those patients subsequently registered with another dentist.

Mr. Morgan

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will give the numbers of dental patients de-registered from the NHS by their dentist during each of 1992, 1993 and 1994 for each family health service authority area in Wales. [15435]

Mr. Redwood

From the information supplied by family health services authorities, the numbers of patients de-registered by their dentists is as follows:

1992 1993 1994
Clwyd 2,335 568 6,859
Dyfed 225 1,015 2,635
Gwent 490 1,073 2,977
Gwynedd 4,960 3,031 5,213
Mid Glamorgan 31 86 581
Powys 0 0 0
South Glamorgan 151 3,914 1,432
West Glamorgan 0 0 44

This information

  1. a) was supplied for management purpose only;
  2. b) has been collected only since 1 August 1992;
  3. c) is not statistically validated;
  4. d) does not indicate how many of these patients subsequently registered with another dentist.