HC Deb 20 June 1995 vol 262 c140W
Mr. Sutcliffe

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what action will be taken in respect of safety issues such as fire risks, chemical fire or spillage at the proposed new national superdome at Odsal; [29005]

(2) what action will be taken in respect of fire and other anticipated safety hazards in the development of the national superdome. [29006]

Sir Paul Beresford

Should planning consent be granted for the superdome, these issues will be matters for the developers, the contractors the stadium operators and the appropriate safety authorities.

Mr. Sutcliffe

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what proposals are being considered to minimise risks to the public from chemical works and associated industrial development in the area of the proposed national superdome. [29004]

Sir Paul Beresford

A planning application for the superdome in Bradford has been referred to the Secretary of State as a departure from the development plan and is being assessed to decide whether it should be called in for public inquiry. The relevance of risk from other development is a matter for consideration in the normal procedures of local planning authorities and, where necessary, consultation with the appropriate safety authorities.