HL Deb 13 June 1995 vol 564 cc111-2WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will report on the outcome of the Foreign Affairs Council on 29 May.

Baroness Chalker of Wallsey

The "A" points listed in document 7405/95, which has been placed in the Libraries of the House, were adopted without a vote.

The Council discussed the situation in former Yugoslavia in the light of recent developments on the ground.

The Council adopted conclusions on proposals for greater transparency in its work.

The Council approved a text for standard human rights clauses in Community agreements with third countries.

There was a discussion of the Commission's White Paper on Approximation of Laws in the context of enlargement to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The Council adopted conclusions on policy towards the Baltic Sea region, and approved a paper on policy towards the Baltic States. A decision was taken to sign Europe Agreements with the three Baltic States on 2 June.

Approval was given for the signature of an Interim Agreement with the Ukraine on 1 June.

The Commission reported on the state of play in negotiations for new Agreements with Israel and Morocco.

There was a further brief discussion of the European Development Fund (EDF VIII).

The Council discussed the prospects for signature of the EC/Russia Interim Agreement, and agreed to return to the subject at its meeting on 12 June.

The Council agreed to the inclusion of Croatia in the PHARE programme, and decided to consider the opening of negotiations for an EU/Croatia Trade and Co-operation Agreement on 12 June.

The Council discussed, and broadly welcomed the Commission's recent communication on Japan; and agreed conclusions on the current US/Japan dispute over automobiles and automotive parts.

The Council discussed the continuing negotiations with Canada under Article XXIV.6 of the GATT.

The Commission reported on their negotiations with the US on a new US/Euratom nuclear trade and cooperation agreement. The Council will return to the subject on 12 June.

Germany presented a memorandum proposing changes to the EC banana regime: there was no substantive discussion.

Finally, there was a brief discussion of the planned pre-accession strategy for Cyprus. The Presidency noted that arrangements were in hand for the 12 June EU/Cyprus Association Council.

No votes were taken at the Council.

A copy of the Council's conclusions will be placed in the Libraries of the House as soon as it is available.