HL Deb 17 July 1995 vol 566 c8WA
Baroness David

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the average length of time spent in custody in 1994 by (a) male and (b) female untried and unsentenced prisoners.

Baroness Blatch

Responsibility for this matter has been delegated to the Director General of the Prison Service, who has been asked to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter to Baroness David from the Director General of the Prison Service, Mr. Derek Lewis, dated 17th July 1995.

Lady Blatch has asked me to reply to your recent Question asking what was the average length of time spent in custody in 1994 by (a) male and (b) female untried and unsentenced prisoners.

The information requested is given in the attached table.

Estimated average time spent in custody for Untried and Convicted Unsentenced prisoners, in Prison Service establishments in England and Wales in 19941 by sex.
Type of custody Estimated average number of days in custody4
Male Female
Untried2 59 44
Convicted Unsentenced3 36 29
1Provisional figures.
2Time spent in custody before conviction.
3Time spent in custody after conviction before sentence.
4Estimated from a number of receptions and average population in 1994.