HC Deb 14 July 1995 vol 263 cc857-9W
Mrs. Anne Campbell

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will detail the amount of travel claims at constant prices in his Department in(a) 1993–94 and (b) 1994–95 broken down by (i) public transport, (ii) car mileage allowance and (iii) bicycle allowances. [32214]

Mr. Jack

The amount spent by the Department during each of the last two years on public transport and car mileage allowance, at prices and rates current in the relevant year, is as follows:

1993–94 £ 1994–95 £
(i) Public transport 2,285,933 2,148,659
(ii) Car mileage allowance 3,770,826 3,714,600

Expenditure on bicycle allowance is not recorded separately but is contained in the public transport figures, which also include some other associated travel costs.

The figures for 1993–94 include the Pesticides Safety and Veterinary Medicines Directorates.

Responsibility for such matters within ADAS, the Central Science Laboratory, the Central Veterinary Laboratory and the Pesticides Safety and the Veterinary Medicines Directorates has been delegated to the agency chief executives and I have asked them to reply to you direct.

Letter from Professor P. I. Stanley to Mrs. Anne Campbell, dated 14 July 1995: The amount of travel claims at constant prices in 1993/94 and 1994/95 The Central Science Laboratory (CSL) was launched as an executive agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) on 1 April 1992 and following the merger with 2 further laboratories was relaunched on 1 April 1994. Expenditure on travel claims are as follows:

1993–94 £ 1994–95 £
Public Transport 99,051.96 203,385.79
Car Mileage Allowance 66,749.71 177,904.37
Bicycle Allowance Nil Nil

Letter from T. W. A. Little to Mrs Anne Campbell, dated 14 July 1995: The Minister has asked me to reply to your question concerning the amount of travel claims at the Central Veterinary Laboratory. We do not distinguish between bicycle and car mileage and neither do we analyses overseas travel by mode of transport. Against this background the expenditure based on constant 1993/94 prices was as follows:

1993–94 £ 1994–95 £
Public transport (UK) 34,482 133,673
Mileage (UK) 17,839 115,176
1 2.75 per cent, deflator used on 1994–1995 costs.

Letter from G. K. Bruce to Mrs. Anne Campbell, dated 14 July 1995: The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has asked me to reply, in respect of the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD), to your Question about travel claims. The amounts of travel claims at actual prices in 1993/94 and 1994/95 were as follows:

1993/94 1994/95
Public transport (UK and foreign travel) 77,909 81,921
Car mileage allowance 9,039 12,923
Bicycle allowance 0 0

Please note that the figures for 1993/94 are also included in the reply from the Minister. They are given here to enable a comparison to be made between the two years.

Letter from Dr. J. M. Rutter to Mrs. Anne Campbell MP, dated 3 July 1995:

PQ1 28 JUNE 1995 The Minister of State has asked me to reply to your question about travel costs incurred by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, as this is an operational matter for which I am responsible. The information you requested (at 1994–95 prices) is as follows:

1993–94 £ 1994–95 £
Public transport 12,456 14,434
Car mileage allowance 6,842 9,831
Bicycle allowance Nil Nil

Letter from Dr. J. M. Walsh to Mrs. Anne Campbell, dated 14 July 1995: Recently you tabled a question in the House of Commons (PQ Number 1584) asking the Minister of Agriculture for details of travel claims at constant prices in his Department in (a) 1993/94 and (b) 1994/95, broken down by 1) public transport, 2) car mileage allowance and 3) bicycle allowance. I understand that he will be writing to you with details of the core part of the Ministry, but has asked the Chief Executive's to reply on behalf of their agencies. ADAS was formed as an Executive Agency of MAFF and the Welsh Office in April 1992. The details requested in constant 1994/95 prices are as follows:

1993–94 £ 1994–95 £
Car Mileage Allowances 3,626,346 3,458,338
Public Transport Claims 217,818 213,292
Bicycle Allowances 0 0