HL Deb 12 July 1995 vol 565 cc109-10WA
Lord Glenarthur

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How the Wilton Park Executive Agency performed against the targets which were agreed for 1994–95; and if targets have yet been agreed for the current year.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

According to provisional figures which are subject to full audit, Wilton Park exceeded all four of the agreed targets set for 1994–95 financial year, for the number of conference participants, income, cost recovery and cost per head to the FCO overall.

The Wilton Park departmental board met in April. We have agreed to the recommendation of the board that the following key targets be adopted for this financial year:

To increase overall income from £1.157 million in 1994/95 to £1.203 million;

To increase cost recovery from 78.2 per cent. in 1994/95 to 80.3 per cent.;

To reduce the overall number of Wilton Park Conference participants from 1,363 in 1994/95 to 1,350;

To reduce the average cost to the FCO of each participant from £237 in 1994/95 to £219.

It has also been agreed that for 1995/96 Wilton Park will aim to recover 73 per cent. of the cost of Wilton Park Conferences (1994/95: 64 per cent.).