HC Deb 10 July 1995 vol 263 cc439-40W
Mrs. Beckett

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what is the average amount contributed by the NHS to their pension fund prior to retirement of(a) female and (b) male doctors; [33237]

(2) what is the average amount paid in by comparable female and male doctors into the NHS pension scheme prior to retirement and the average amount female and male doctors receive in pension after retirement; [33236]

(3) for how many years female and male doctors have put the same contribution into NHS pension schemes; and for which years payments can be taken into account in calculation of widowers' pensions. [33272]

Mr. Malone

National health service employers contribute 4 per cent. of pensionable earnings to the national health service pension scheme in respect of their employees. Female and male doctors contribute 6 per cent. of their pensionable earnings to the scheme and contribution rates in every year have been the same for both sexes. Information is not available centrally about the amounts contributed, and average pension received, by staff groups. Widowers' benefits are based upon service accrued after 6 April 1988 unless cover for earlier service has been purchased.