HL Deb 06 July 1995 vol 565 cc96-8WA
Lord Spens

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the public interest certificate signed by Mr. John Redwood MP in 1989 in R v Ernest Saunders & Others has been withdrawn or waived and, if so, what further documents have been made available and to whom; and

What were the changed circumstances which led to the withdrawal or waiver of the public interest certificate signed by Mr. John Redwood MP in 1989 R v Ernest Saunders & Others; and

On what legal grounds a public interest certificate may be withdrawn or waived; and

What aspect of public interest has changed since the original issuance of the public interest certificate signed in November 1989 by Mr. John Redwood MP (as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Corporate Affairs) in R v Ernest Saunders & Others which has resulted in its withdrawal or waiver on Thursday 22nd June by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Corporate Affairs; and

Whether Counsel's advice was taken in 1989 prior to the signature of the public interest certificate by Mr. John Redwood MP.

Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

The certificate signed by the Right Honourable John Redwood MP in November 1989 related to the proceedings then before the Crown Court. The certificate was settled after consultation with Counsel, who was instructed to appear if necessary. The certificate fully covered all the issues which the law then required should be addressed by the Minister.

The law in this area has been developed by the courts since 1989. As the law then stood, where a Minister was satisfied that documents attracted public interest immunity, it was his duty to claim that immunity. In those circumstances it was for the court, and not for the Minister, to judge whether the public interest required disclosure.

Following a House of Lords decision in July 1994, it is now possible for a Minister to decide not to advance a public interest immunity claim if he considers it is in the overall public interest that disclosure be made.

Having been informed of the matters now in issue before the Court of Appeal and having the benefit of advice from prosecution counsel on the relevance of the documents to those issues, my honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Corporate and Consumer Affairs was satisfied, on June 8, that this is a case where it was in the overall public interest that disclosure be made.

The grounds of appeal in the proceeding now before the Court of Appeal relate inter alia to abuse of process and disclosure issues, including the documents covered by that certificate. It is for the Court of Appeal to consider these issues. In these circumstances, the noble Lord will appreciate that it would not be appropriate for me to comment further.

Lord Spens

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Why, if the decision (subject to Counsel's advice) to lift the public interest certificate signed by Mr. John Redwood MP was taken on 8th June 1995 (The Independent 28 June 1995), implementation of that decision was delayed until 3.55pm on Thursday 22 June 1995.

Lord Fraser of Carmyllie

My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Corporate and Consumer Affairs having been satisfied, on 8 June, that it was in the overall public interest that disclosure be made of documents relevant to matters now in issue before the Court of Appeal, the actual disclosure of those documents thereafter was a matter for the Serious Fraud Office. Copies of the documents were passed by my department to the Serious Fraud Office on 9 June for that purpose.