HL Deb 05 July 1995 vol 565 cc84-6WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the outcome of the 19–22 June meeting of the Council of Agriculture Ministers.

The Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Earl Howe)

At this meeting the Council agreed a comprehensive framework of law covering the welfare of farm animals transported throughout the European Union. Rules have been set for the first time on the length of time for which animals can be transported and when journeys must be broken for food, water and rest. There will he maximum limits on travel time for all journeys and a clear definition of a journey's end. Animals will have to be held in one place for at least 24 hours to recover before they can he moved again.

If animals arc to be transported for more than eight hours, vehicles will have to provide specified equipment such as proper ventilation and temperature control. For vehicles that do not meet those standards, eight hours will be the maximum travel time. There will also be specific rules on the space allowance that animals must be given in the different types of transport.

The agreement also provides for a proper framework of rules and Union-wide powers to enforce the rules. Hauliers will be licensed and, if they fail to observe the rules, licences will be removed. In addition, those engaged in the trade will have to be properly trained. Journey plans will be needed for all substantial journeys across borders. The European Commission will have the role of ensuring that member states are applying the rules correctly and its veterinary inspectorate will be strengthened so that it can do so. The Council agreed to review the arrangements in three years' time.

The Council also agreed to change the expensive and inflationary agri-monetary system which the United Kingdom voted against last December. Whilst the final proposal was an improvement in budgetary terms, the United Kingdom again voted against. The new arrangements will lead to a distortion of the support system by paying farmers in some countries more than is justified by the market rate for the national currency concerned. The Government believe that any such arrangement should be subject to a specific time-limit; a proposal to link it to the date of the introduction of a single currency was not acceptable.

The Council reached agreement on support prices and related measures for farm products for 1995–96. The Council decided to maintain almost all prices and aid rates unchanged, rejecting the Commission's initial proposals for modest cuts. There will be some small reductions in seasonal price increments for cereals and sugar storage payments. My right honourable friend the Minister made it clear that he regarded this as a wasted opportunity; and that there could be no question of increasing the existing ceiling on agricultural expenditure.

Agreement was reached on a number of other items as part of an overall package. These included changes to the support system for cotton aimed at stopping the sharp increases in expenditure seen in recent years; the definitive allocation to Italy and Greece of the increases in milk quotas previously allocated on a temporary basis; and rules allowing the continued operation of the "knacker" industry in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

In addition to the United Kingdom's vote against the changes to the agri-money rules, negative votes were recorded by Sweden against the complete package; by Austria, Denmark and, from the opposite standpoint, Italy against the animal transport decision; and by Netherlands, Denmark and Luxembourg against the definitive allocation of milk quotas.

In addition, the Commission undertook to make a proposal before 31 July on the rate of set-aside for arable crops sown for harvest next year. This will be an improvement on last year's timetable, when the proposal came too late. At the insistence of my right honourable friend, the Commission promised to take full account of the interests of users of cereals, particularly pig and poultry producers, who are having to pay too much for their supplies.

The Council at last adopted a measure allowing arable land taken out of production for forestry or environmental purposes to count against the set-aside obligation of the farmer concerned. This is something for which the Government have long been pressing, with the full support of environmental and farming organisations. It should boost farmers' participation in forestry and environmental schemes.

Finally, the Council agreed that France could pay certain limited national aids to its wine producers.