HC Deb 04 July 1995 vol 263 cc191-2W
Mr. Jim Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if a person signing on as unemployed will have this held against him in an appeal for incapacity benefit. [31662]

Mr. Hague


Mr. Jim Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what plans he has to ensure that a claimant denied incapacity benefit further to appeal, and in turn denied benefit as being classed as unemployed, as the claimant could be deemed unfit for work, will not be left without any money. [31663]

Mr. Hague

The decision on incapacity for work applies across the benefit system. People found capable of work, including those who appeal against that decision, are entitled to claim unemployment benefits if they are available for and actively seeking work. People who are not looking for work may claim income support while waiting for their appeal to be heard.

Mr. Alan Howarth

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if people who appeal against a decision that they are capable of work and claim income support pending their appeal will have their full incapacity benefit reinstated for the period between the date of the original decision and the date of the appeal decision. [32040]

Mr. Hague

If a social security appeal tribunal uphold an appeal against a decision that a person is capable of work, any incapacity benefit withheld pending the tribunal decision will be paid. Where income support has been in payment for the period covered by the backdated incapacity benefit, this payment will be reduced to take account of the income support actually paid.

Mr. Alan Howarth

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what advice will be given to claimants appealing against a decision that they are capable of work concerning their benefit entitlement pending a tribunal hearing. [32041]

Mr. Hague

In addition to advice from officials in Benefits Agency and Employment Services Offices, everyone found capable of work after application of all work test will be sent, with their decision notice, leaflet IB 203 which explains the help available in finding work and claiming benefits.

Mr. Alan Howarth

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security of those people in 1995–96 whom he expects to appeal against a decision that they are capable of work, how many he estimates will, (a) sign on as unemployed and (b) claim income support without signing on. [32043]

Mr. Hague

I refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave to the hon. Member for Manchester, Withington (Mr. Bradley) on 7 March,Official Report, column 168.

Mr. Rooney

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if claimants in receipt of incapacity benefit may retain benefit entitlement for up to four weeks during which they are on a training for work scheme on a trial basis; and if they are deemed to be available for work. [32332]

Mr. Hague

Availability for work is not an issue. Incapacity Benefit claimants who undertake training for work receive an allowance equivalent to their benefit entitlement and additional £10. This is not incapacity benefit. Linking provisions ensure that if there is a break in incapacity benefit entitlement of less than eight weeks, claimants can return to the rate of benefit in payment before the break. For claimants on the short-term higher or long-term rates who attend training courses, this is extended to two years, provided that they are incapable of work when the training course ends.