HC Deb 03 July 1995 vol 263 c10W
Ms Hodge

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what policy and procedure exists for dealing with complaints against his Department by members of the public; when the policy was last updated; what time limit and target for dealing with such complaints his Department has; and what follow-up procedure exists where complainants are not satisfied with his Department's response to a complaint. [26220]

Mr. Goodlad

The FCO's diplomatic wing policy and procedure for dealing with complaints from members of the public in respect of the legalisation office, consular service and overseas trade services is as followsLEGALISATION OFFICE Complaints dealt with on the spot where possible; target of three workings days where further investigation required. Complaints procedure published with names and addresses of individuals to whom complaints should be addressed. Complaints procedure reviewed and updated 1 February 1995. CONSULAR SERVICE Overseas Target of three working days to respond to complaints. Each post offering consular services displays procedures for complaints and named individuals to whom complaints should be addressed. Procedure has not been updated. At home Complaints replied to within seven working days if channelled through an MP; target of twenty working days to reply if complaint made direct. OVERSEAS TRADE SERVICES Target of five working days for service provider to respond to complaints. Target of fifteen working days for Customer Services Manager to respond if complaint taken to that level. Guidelines shortly to be published. Guidelines reviewed annually but have not been updated.

Complaints on all other matters, including complaints relating to the Overseas Development Administration, sent by a Member of Parliament are dealt with within seven working days. Other written complaints are dealt with within the 20 working day deadline for letters to members of the public.

Guidance on complaints procedures advises members of the public to contact their Member of Parliament or the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration— Parliamentary Ombudsman—if they are not satisfied with the way in which their complaint has been handled.