HL Deb 19 January 1995 vol 560 cc57-8WA
Earl Russell

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many lawyers qualified in (a) English law, (b) Scots law, (c) European law, are employed by the Home Office and at what grades.

Baroness Blatch

The Legal Adviser's Branch comprises 17 lawyers (1 at Grade 2, 2 at Grade 3, 5 at Grade 5, 5 at Grade 6, 3 at Grade 7 and 1 Legal Officer). All of them are either barristers or solicitors qualified in England and Wales. They advise on questions of English law and European law. They consult others, as

Live born premature babies by estimated gestation in Scotland, 1989–1993
Gestation (weeks)
23 24 25 26 27 28 Total livebirths
1989 15 28 41 56 55 83 63,480
1990 10 30 39 58 55 78 65,973
1991 5 33 43 70 81 71 67,024
1992 14 25 54 57 71 76 65,789
1993* 12 30 36 54 51 72 63,337

* Provisional gestation figures.

Source: Information and Statistics Division National Health Service in Scotland

the need arises, on questions of Scots law. The branch also employs a consultant, who undertakes certain drafting work. He too is qualified in England and Wales.