HC Deb 12 January 1995 vol 252 cc191-3W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what percentage share of gross domestic product was accounted for by manufacturing output in(a) the United Kingdom, (b) Germany, (c) France, (d) Italy, (e) Holland and (f) Belgium in (i) 1968, (ii) 1973, (iii) 1979, (iv) 1990 and (v) 1993.

Mr. Nelson

Such information as is available is published in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development publication "National Accounts", detailed tables, volume II, which is available in the House of Commons Library.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, what is the rate of growth of exports of United Kingdom finished manufactures to(a) the EEC and (b) the rest of the world for each year since 1979.

Mr. Nelson

Information about exports of UK manufactures from which rates of growth may be derived can be found on the CSO database which may be accessed through the Library of the House. Volume information is available only from 1988, but information at current prices is available from 1972.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will show the net operating surplus of manufacturing as a percentage of net capital stock in(a) the United Kingdom, (b) the USA, (c) Japan and (d) Germany in (i) 1968, (ii) 1973, (iii) 1980, (iv) 1987, (v) 1990 and (vi) 1993; what was the corresponding increase in manufacturing output based on 1968 = 100; and what was the relationship between the two series.

Mr. Nelson

Information on United Kingdom net rates of return for manufacturing industrial and commercial companies since 1970 is available from the CSO's shared database and is published in the CSO "First Release", (94)205—"Profitability of UK Companies". Information on manufacturing activities relating to all economic sectors is unavailable. Information on rates of return for OECD countries since 1980 is published in Table 14 of OECD's national accounts, volume II. Rates of return achieved in different countries are not directly comparable because different assumptions are used in their calculation. Both publications are available from the Library of the House.

Index numbers of manufacturing output are available back to 1974. Using 1980 as a base year they are:

UK USA Japan West Germany
1968 99 n/a n/a n/a
1973 114 n/a n/a n/a
1974 113 84 81 90
1980 100 100 100 100
1987 108 127 122 107
1990 121 139 149 124
1993 115 142 135 n/a


United Nations Industrial Statistics Yearbook.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the profitability of United Kingdom, United States and German companies in manufacturing each year since 1980.

Mr. Nelson

Information on United Kingdom net rates of return for manufacturing industrial and commercial companies is available from the CSO's central shared database and is published in the CSO First Release, (94)205—"Profitability of UK Companies".

Information on profitability by United States and West German companies is published in table 14 of the OECD's national accounts, volume II. Rates of return achieved in different countries are not directly comparable because of different assumptions used in their calculations. Both publications are available from the Library of the House.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the effect of changes in interest rates and the exchange rate or the rate of return in manufactures; and if he will publish a table setting out the figures for each year since 1979.

Mr. Nelson

No estimates are available of the effects of interest rate and exchange rate changes on the real rate of return on capital for manufacturing. The latest figures for the rate of return on capital for manufacturing companies are available in table 1 of CSO "First Release" (94)205, a copy of which is available in the House of Commons Library.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the fall or rise in the average capital employed in manufacturing in real terms between 1979 and 1993 and the corresponding figure for the average capital employed in other non-North sea industrial and commercial companies.

Mr. Nelson

Information on average capital employed at current replacement cost by industrial and commercial companies is published in the CSO "First Release", (94)2025—"Profitability of UK Companies". This is available from the Library of the House. Constant price data are not readily available.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the change in the volume of exports of finished manufactures to the EEC in the first quarter of 1993 together with his estimate of the effect of any under-recording.

Mr. Nelson

The information requested and more recent figures are available from the Central Statistical Office database, which can be accessed through the House of Commons Library, and are published in the "Monthly Review of External Trade Statistics", also available in the House of Commons Library. The figures incorporate adjustments made as a result of the recent quality review of the Intrastat system carried out by Customs and Excise and the Central Statistical Office.

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