HC Deb 12 January 1995 vol 252 cc209-10W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what further steps were taken after the issue of Cmnd 6003—"Membership of the European Community Report on Renegotiation"—to facilitate continuing access to the United Kingdom market for imports of beef from third countries; and if he will publish (i) United Kingdom output of beef and the tonnage of imports and exports in 1968, 1979, 1989 and the current year to date from and to Argentina, Australia, the EEC Six, the Irish Republic, and other countries, (ii) the corresponding information for the EEC Six, (iii) the tonnage of EEC beef dumped on world markets, (iv) the difference between the common agricultural policy price and the Australian export price to third markets and (v) the cost of beef support of all kinds.

Mr. Jack

The European Union operates several concessionary import quotas providing for beef imports at reduced rates of levy or duty, including to the United Kingdom. These include a quota for frozen beef and veal; two quotas for high-quality "Hilton" beef; and a beef and veal quota for certain developing countries under the Lomé convention. The EU has also agreed new market access commitments as part of the GATT Uruguay round. These will see import tariffs generally reduced over the period 1995 to 2000.

Information concerning United Kingdom production of beef for years 1979 and 1989 are available from agriculture in the United Kingdom. Data for 1968 are not available on the same basis and estimates for 1994 are not yet available. Detailed information on imports to the UK and exports to particular countries for the years requested can be provided only at disproportionate cost. Trade information is published in the annual statement of trade of the United Kingdom 1968, Customs and Excise; DTI "Business Monitor" "Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom" 1979, CSO " Business Monitor", MA20 1989; and CSO "Business Monitors," MM20 and MQ20 June 1994.

Information on the output of beef in EU member states for 1979, 1989 and 1992—latest—is published in "The Agricultural Situation in the Community"—Commission of the European Communities—and for 1968 can be found in the FAO production yearbook for 1970. Imports and exports of beef by EU member states are published by Eurostat. The publications contain total volumes of beef exported to third countries.

Within the common agricultural policy, an annual intervention price is set for beef. In 1993–94 this was 3,216 ecu/tonne. An average Australian export price for beef to third markets in 1993, as reported to the GATT under the arrangement regarding bovine meat to which Australia is a signatory, was the equivalent of 2,243 ecu/tonne—the average of total beef and veal exports including canned products.

It is not possible to estimate the costs of beef support to consumers and taxpayers without making a large number of hypothetical assumptions about alternative policies which would have obtained in the absence of the CAP, and the effects of those policies. Community budgetary expenditure under the CAP in respect of beef is estimated to be 3,458 MECU—£2,671 million—in 1994 (a)(b). This compares with expenditure in 1993 of 3,986 MECU—£3,134 million—(c). (a) Source: EAGGF guarantee, DG VI G2, early warning report 12/94. (b) EAGGF year runs from 16 October to 15 October. (c) Source: EAGGF guarantee, DG VI G2, annual financial report.

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