HC Deb 16 February 1995 vol 254 cc742-3W
Mr. Bradley

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security (1) how many claimants in each region, for each quarter ending March 1994, were examined by the Benefits Agency medical service; and how many were found capable of(a) all work and (b) alternative work;

(2) how many claims for sickness and invalidity benefit were referred to the Benefits Agency medical service in each quarter since March 1994; how many of these resulted in an examination; and what were the outcomes (a) where examinations took place and (b) where they did not.

Mr. Roger Evans

The administration of Benefits Agency medical services is a matter for Mr. Michael Bichard, the chief executive of the Benefits Agency. He will write to the hon. Member with such information as is available.

Letter from Michael Bichard to Mr. Keith Bradley, dated 15 February 1995: The Secretary of State for Social Security has asked me to reply to your recent Parliamentary Questions about examinations made by the Benefits Agency Medical Services (BAMS). This was with regard to the number of customers found capable of work for each quarter ending March 1994; also from March 1994 with regard to the number of sickness and invalidity benefit cases referred to BAMS and the outcomes. The BAMS are asked to give an opinion on capacity for work by the independent Adjudication Officer (AO). The decision on the claim to benefit is made by the AO and whilst the AO may take the opinion of the BAMS into account in making a decision the AO is not bound by that opinion. An opinion that a customer is fit for work is not given by the BAMS without the customer being examined. If the evidence available to the BAMS suggests that the customer is incapable of all work, then there will usually be no need for an examination. For the year ending March 1994 I have provided information in respect of those cases referred to the BAMS to ask for an opinion on incapacity in relation to Sickness Benefit and Invalidity Benefit. The information for the four quarters ending March 1994 is provided in Annexes A,B,C and D. The information requested from March 1994 is provided in Annexes E and F. Figures for the quarter ending 31 December 1994 will not be available until the end of February. It should be noted that the figures given may not accurately reflect cases referred to the BAMS within each quarter at each centre because relevant statistics are compiled at the date a case is cleared rather than the date it is received. All of the Annexes have been placed in the Library. I hope you find this reply helpful.