§ Mr. MatesTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department when he expects to announce the membership of the Metropolitan police committee; and what are the terms of reference of the new committee.
§ Mr. HowardFollowing consultation with the chairman Sir John Quinton, I have today appointed the following as members of the Metropolitan police committee:
- Miss M. V. Callaghan
- Mr. T. Chan
- Mr. M. J. Hastings
- Counsellor M. Heaster
- Major General M. P. J. Hunt
- Counsellor Mrs. M. A. O'Neill
383- Mrs. S. Sadeque
- Mr. M. Souhami
- Mr. I. S. Uppal
- Mr. R. J. Watts
- Ms R. E. Whittaker
The committee will formally take up its duties on 1 April. Its task is to advise me in relation to the discharge of certain of my functions as police authority for the Metropolitan police. The functions in question are based on those which, outside London, are the responsibility of the police authorities established under the Police Act 1964, as amended by the Police and Magistrates' Courts Act 1994. In particular, the Metropolitan police committee will be required to advise me about: establishing priorities for policing, in consultation with the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis and local communities, particularly the consultative bodies established under section 106 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984; approval and publication of an annual costed plan for policing designed to achieve both the objectives set for police forces outside London under section 28A of the Police Act 1964 and those I have approved for the Metropolitan police district; monitoring by reference to the policing plan the financial and other performance of the Metropolitan police during the year; considering proposals for expenditure which require my approval; and publication of annual performance results in a standard form to allow comparison of performance against other forces.
The Metropolitan police committee will be required to advise me on other matters relating to the Metropolitan police as necessary.