HC Deb 19 December 1995 vol 268 c1096W
26. Mr. Janner

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how much in total will be available for investment in the renovation of local authority housing from(a) credit approvals, (b) estate action and the single regeneration budget and (c) capital receipts in 1996–97; and what the equivalent figures were for 1989–90 and 1993–94. [4902]

Mr. Curry

We are making £699 million available in 1996–97 for general housing credit approvals, £30 million for the housing partnership fund and £256 million for estate action. Seventy schemes in round 1 of the single regeneration budget challenge fund have a significant housing content and are expected to receive about £125 million of SRB resources in 1996–97. Similar details for round 2 are not yet available; £40 million will also be available from the deprived estates challenge fund, out of a three-year total of over £314 million. The amount available from capital receipts will depend on authorities' success in selling assets. I will arrange for figures for the earlier years to be put in the Library.

The proportion of these resources invested in the renovation of council housing will depend on authorities' own decisions about priorities.