HL Deb 06 December 1995 vol 567 cc79-80WA
The Countess of Mar

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will ask the manufacturers of organophosphate products to provide a more detailed definition of: "if you feel unwell" so that users of these products will seek medical aid in good time for acute symptoms which might not seem serious.

Lord Lucas

Extensive information is already given on the labels of organophosphate products used as both veterinary medicines and pesticides about the symptoms associated with feeling unwell. The labels of sheep dips include information such as: "If you have breathing problems, or if you have felt persistently unwell after using a product containing an organophosphorus compound, consult your doctor before working with this product. All accidental spillages of the concentrate should be washed off the skin immediately. Cases of heavy contamination should be treated as an emergency and the patient taken to hospital. The symptoms of mild poisoning are a feeling of unnatural exhaustion and weakness which may be accompanied by cramp-like abdominal pains, diarrhoea, excessive sweating and salivation to up to 12 hours after exposure. Severe poisoning causes generalised muscle twitching. Symptoms of over-exposure include: stomach pains, nausea, diarrhoea, headache, faintness, small pupils, muscle tremor, and difficulty in breathing. If any of these symptoms occurs, stop work, call doctor at once."

This is reinforced in the advisory leaflet Sheep dipping AS 29 (rev) published jointly by the Health and Safety Executive, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate and the Department of the Environment, and circulated free to all registered sheep farmers, which recommends that "If anyone feels unwell during dipping, or within 48 hours of dipping, they should stop work, wash any contamination from their skin or clothing and consult a doctor. They should take the product label details so the doctor knows which chemicals are involved." The leaflet further explains that the effects of the dip can include: "skin redness, discomfort and pain, especially on the face; or with OPs headaches, dizziness, weakness, anxiety, blurred vision, watery eyes or mouth, nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, cold sweating, runny nose, chest tightness, muscle twitching, loss of co-ordination and mental confusion. More serious poisoning can result in diarrhoea, extreme difficulty with breathing and convulsions in the absence of medical treatment."

For pesticides products containing organophosphates, the following information is included on labels:

"Symptoms of Poisoning

These may include excessive sweating, headache, weakness, fainting and giddiness, nausea, stomach pains, vomiting, small pupils, blurred vision, muscle twitching

First Aid

If any of the above symptoms occur, particularly if there is known contamination; STOP WORK: Remove contaminated clothing, wash exposed skin and hair. Prevent all exertion. Call doctor AT ONCE and show label."

It is, as ever, most important that label instructions are carefully followed, whether for products containing organophosphates or not, and that medical advice be sought if any of these symptoms occur.