HC Deb 28 April 1995 vol 258 c739W
Mr. Chris Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what recognition is being given in VE day celebrations of the role of the Merchant Navy in the second world war. [20993]

Mr. Soames

I have been asked to reply.

Events to mark the 50th anniversary of VE day offer a welcome opportunity to pay tribute not only to the military but to the civilian contribution to the war effort. The Government are conscious of the vital role played by the Merchant Navy and look forward to seeing it well represented during this year's commemorations. Representation at each of the Government's key events over the VE day weekend is being co-ordinated through the Merchant Navy veterans; organisations and the chamber of shipping. I envisage that tribute will also be paid to the men of Merchant Navy in one of the pavilions in Hyde park, over the period 6, 7 and 8 May.

In addition to their involvement in the May events, it is hoped that large numbers of merchant seamen will take part in the service and parade in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen which will take place in August, as part of the programme of events to mark the 50th anniversary of VE day.