§ Mr. CoxTo ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what financial aid is now being given to Turkey from organisations in which the United Kingdom has a vote; and if he will list the organisations. [20741]
§ Mr. BaldryA detailed breakdown of financial aid by international agencies to Turkey is not available. According to OECD Development Assistance Committee statistics, in 1993, the latest year for which figures are available, total multilateral aid to that country was $3 million in loans and $25.8 million in grants. Taking into account receipts, net multilateral assistance was minus $8.7 million.
The following agencies in which the UK has a vote currently have programmes in Turkey:
- The World Bank
- United Nations Development Programme
- Food and Agriculture Organisation
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- United Nations Population Fund
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- World Food Programme
- United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
- World Health Organisation
- United Nations Childrens Fund
- United Nations Department of Development
- Support and Management Services
- World Intellectual Property Organisation
- World Meteorological Organisation
- International Civil Aviation Organisation
- International Maritime Organisation
- International Labour Organisation
European Community assistance provided to Turkey in the form of grants and loans under the first three EC/Turkey financial protocols and the special programme of assistance agreed in 1981 has now been fully disbursed. A fourth financial protocol which should have come into force in 1981 remains suspended for political reasons. Turkey is eligible for support under a number of other EC budget lines, including horizontal cooperation in the Mediterranean and support for Turkish NGOs providing aid for Kurdish refugees.