HL Deb 27 April 1995 vol 563 cc85-6WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action they are taking towards ending the freeze on the budget of the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) so that the authority can have adequate resources to ensure that the commitments of treaty signatories are respected.

Earl Ferrers

The International Atomic Energy Agency's budget is approved by the General Conference on the recommendation of the Board of Governors (of which the United Kingdom is a member). The United Kingdom continues to argue for the provision of resources sufficient for the agency to discharge all its functions in a cost effective manner.

The International Atomic Energy Agency's budget has been subject to a zero real growth regime for a number of years. We believe that the discipline of zero real growth has served the agency well and encouraged efficiency and moves to more objective priority setting. We recognise, however, that circumstances change and that increased resources may be required to meet International Atomic Energy Agency commitments in the future. Her Majesty's Government are prepared to consider on merits any proposals that may be presented and will seek to ensure, through the Board of Governors, that their views are considered.