HC Deb 05 April 1995 vol 257 cc1248-50W
Mr. Peter Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what(a) relationships, (b) joint bodies and (c) contacts presently exist on (i) an all-Ireland, (ii) cross-border, and (iii) a north-south basis through (1) the Department of Environment and (2) any of its agencies. [17056]

Mr. Moss

A copy of a list of north-south economic co-operation projects involving the Department of the Environment and its agencies is available in the Library.

The Department and its agencies also liaise informally and co-operate with various bodies in the Republic of Ireland on a wide variety of issues of mutual interest.

Mr. Peter Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what(a) relationships, (b) joint bodies and (c) contacts presently exist on (i) an all-Ireland, (ii) cross-border, and (iii) a north-south basis through (1) the Department of Health and Social Services and (2) any of its agencies. [17054]

Mr. Moss

The Department and the Social Security Agency maintain regular contact with officials in the Departments of Health and of Social Welfare in the Republic of Ireland on a range of issues of mutual interests. Also, cross-border co-operation is on-going between health boards in the border areas. Regular bilateral meetings take place on a north-south basis between Health Ministers in both jurisdictions and from time to time social security matters will also be the subject of discussion at ministerial level.

A list of north-south economic co-operation contacts and projects involving the Department of Health and Social Services and its agencies has been placed in the Library.

Mr. Peter Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what(a) relationships, (b) joint bodies and (c) contacts presently exist on (i) an all-Ireland, (ii) cross-border, and (iii) a north-south basis through (1) the Department of Economic Development and (2) any of its agencies. [17055]

Mr. Ancram

A list of cross-border projects involving the Department of Economic Development and its agencies is available in the Library.

In addition, officials of the Department and its agencies liaise informally with a number of bodies in the Republic of Ireland on a range of matters of mutual interest.

Mr. Peter Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what(a) relationships, (b) joint bodies and (c) contacts presently exist on (i) an all-Ireland, (ii) cross-border, and (iii) a north-south basis through (1) the Department of Agriculture and (2) any of its agencies. [17057]

Mr. Ancram

The Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland formally co-operates with the Republic of Ireland in the administration of the Foyle Fisheries Commission, in the operation and maintenance of the Shannon-Erne waterway, and is formally represented on the Advisory Board of the International Fund for Ireland, the Interreg Monitoring Committee, and liaises on rural development matters.

There are regular, on-going contacts between the Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland and corresponding Irish Departments on matters of mutual interest. In addition, a list of north-south economic co-operation projects involving the Department is available in the Library.

Mr. Peter Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what(a) relationships, (b) joint bodies and (c) contacts presently exist on (i) an all-Ireland basis, (ii) cross border and (iii) a north-south basis through (1) the Department of Finance and Personnel and (2) any of its agencies. [17058]

Sir John Wheeler

The Department of Finance and Personnel jointly administers the Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland Interreg programme with the Department of Finance, Dublin. Occasional contacts are also made between the two Departments on civil service personnel management issues. A list of cross-border projects involving the Department and its agencies is available in the Library.

In addition, the International Fund for Ireland was established jointly by the British and Irish Governments in 1986 as an independent international organisation with the objective of promoting economic and social advance and encouraging dialogue between unionists and nationalists throughout Ireland. The fund has a variety of programmes which it operates and administers on a cross-border basis.

Mr. Peter Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what(a) relationships, (b) joint bodies and (c) contacts presently exist on (i) an all-Ireland, (ii) cross-border; and (iii) a north-south basis through (1) the Department of Education; and (2) any of its agencies. [17059]

Mr. Ancram

A curriculum development project—the European studies project—was set up in 1986 by the Departments of Education in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and England. The project, which embraces over 300 schools in 14 European jurisdictions, is now funded jointly by the Departments of Education in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland. Regular liaison takes place between the two Departments on all aspects of the project.

A list of cross-border projects involving the Department of Education and its agencies is available in the Library.

Mr. Peter Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what(a) relationships, (b) joint bodies and (c) contacts presently exist on (i) an all-Ireland, (ii) cross-border; and (iii) a north-south basis through (1) the Northern Ireland Office and (2) any of its agencies. [17060]

Mr. Ancram

Article 2 (a) of the Anglo-Irish agreement established an intergovernmental conference, which is supported by a joint secretariat and which deals, among other matters, with the promotion of cross-border co-operation. A range of contacts on matters of mutual interest take place, at the appropriate level and as the need arises, between Ministers and officials of the NIO and of the Irish Government.

Other contacts with Irish Government officials may be established at various levels as the need arises: the Northern Ireland Forensic Science Laboratory, when investigating cases with a cross-border element, and the emergency planning branch, on issues relating to disasters and civil emergencies, have such contacts from time to time.

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