HC Deb 04 April 1995 vol 257 cc1058-9W
Mr. Morley

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make a statement on the development and use of non-organophosphorous sheep dips. [17392]

Mrs Browning

Flumethrin-based non-organophos-phorous sheep dips are already authorised for use in the United Kingdom. Decisions on whether to use these products is the responsibility of the individual sheep farmer in the light of their particular circumstances, including the alternatives available and the health status of their flock. The development and marketing of non-organophosphorous dips is a matter for the commercial judgment of the manufacturers concerned. The Veterinary Medicines Directorate will do all it can to complete the assessment of any applications for marketing authorisations for such products as quickly as possible.

Mr. Hawkins

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what progress has been made in the assessment of the proposals submitted for epidemiological research into the effects of organophosphorous sheep dips; and if he will make a statement. [18770]

Mrs. Browning

Thirteen proposals were received in response to the advertisements placed at the end of 1994 following acceptance by the Government of the recommendation of the medical and scientific panel of the veterinary products committee for carefully designed and targeted epidemiological studies into the effects of OP sheep dips. This research is to be publicly funded. Assessment of the proposals has now been completed, and after detailed consideration it has been concluded that none meets the specifications laid down in the original advertisement. Considerable changes would need to be made before any of them could do so and, in the circumstances, it has been decided to re-advertise so that new or revised proposals can be submitted. This will be done as quickly as possible, but it is now likely to be the end of July before any contracts can be awarded.

I very much regret this further delay in getting this important work under way, but it is clearly in the interests of all concerned to ensure that any research which is commissioned is both scientifically sound and addresses the issues of concern.

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