HC Deb 04 April 1995 vol 257 cc1013-4W
Mrs. Clwyd

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his answer of 20 March,Official Report, column 84, on what date he asked for assurances prior to scholarship awards being granted to officers of the Indonesian police force that none of those officers had previously served in East Timor. [16661]

Mr. Baldry

No assurances were sought.

Mrs. Clwyd

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his answer of 13 March,Official Report, column 367, regarding his Department's funding of training and scholarship awards for members of the Indonesian police force if the biographical details required by his Department reveal as a matter of routine (i) whether the applicant has ever served in East Timor and (ii) whether the applicant will serve East Timor after training; on which date officials in his Department last conducted an assessment of the work performance of applicants; to what extent this assessment was dependent on information provided by the Indonesian police force; on which date officials in his Department last conducted interviews with applicants prior to their leaving Indonesia to test their suitability to take part in the Indonesian police training project; and what specific questions applicants were asked about their past activities with regard to human rights considerations. [16513]

Mr. Baldry

Candidates for United Kingdom scholarships under the police project submit biographical details which cover their employment history. These would normally but not invariably include the locations in which the officer has served, but would not include the locations of prospective employment once involvement in the project is complete.

Interviews are conducted by the UK project consultants at the outset when applicants join the consultancy unit. Their approach to policing and commitment to public service is assessed. Candidates for UK training are subsequently and independently re-assessed by the consultants in further interviews on the basis of work performance. The last date that this was done was during the visit by the UK consultants between 8 and 28 January 1995.

Mrs. Clwyd

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his answer of 20 March,Official Report, column 84, if the commitment given by the Indonesian police force to his Department that officers who receive scholarship awards under the police project will remain with the project for a minimum of five years includes the assurance (a) that no such officer will be eligible to serve in East Timor during that time and (b) that no such officer will be eligible to serve in East Timor after their five years in the project is complete. [16663]

Mr. Baldry

It does not.

Mrs. Clwyd

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his answer of 21 March,Official Report, column 111, what sources other than the Indonesian national police force have provided information that no officer who has received any form of training paid for or provided with assistance from his Department has subsequently gone on to serve in East Timor either during that period of training or after it has concluded. [16509]

Mr. Baldry

The project managers have also provided this information about trainees financed under the police project.

Mrs. Clwyd

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his answer of 20 March, column 85, if the biographical material provided to his Department about Indonesian police officers who have received scholarship awards or other training paid for by his Department reveal the dates when officers served in East Timor; and if they were based within that country. [16662]

Mr. Baldry

This information is no longer available.

Mrs. Clwyd

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to his answer of 20 March,Official Report, column 85, what sources other than the Indonesian national police force provided information to the United Kingdom managers of the Indonesian national police project that Indonesian police officers who have received scholarships or training paid for by his Department have not subsequently served in East Timor. [16660]

Mr. Baldry

From their own knowledge of the project and the trainees, the UK managers of the police project were able independently to confirm this information about trainees financed under the police project.

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