HL Deb 04 April 1995 vol 563 cc11-3WA
Viscount Montgomery of Alamein

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

The following meetings are planned:

  • 3–4 April: Culture/Media
  • 6 April: Fisheries
  • 7 April: Industry
  • 10–11 April: Foreign Affairs

The following subjects are likely to be discussed:

4 April: Culture Council

  • European heritage and multimedia: draft resolution;
  • Co-operation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe: draft resolution;
  • Proposal for a decision establishing a support programme for artistic and cultural activities (KALEIDOSCOPE 2000): orientation debate;
  • Proposal for a decision establishing a community support programme for the dissemination of literary, theatrical and reference works through translation and specialist training of literary translators (ARIANE): orientation debate;
  • WA 12
  • Community support programme in the field of cultural heritage (RAPHAEL): information from the Commission.

6 April: Fisheries Council

  • Total allowable catches for the Greenland Halibut;
  • Objectives and Strategies for the period 1994 to 1997;
  • Additional conditions for year to year management of total allowable catches and quotas;
  • Technical conservation measures;
  • (possible) Guide prices;
  • (possible) Common marketing standards for shrimps, edible crabs and Norway lobsters;
  • (possible) Tariff quotas for certain fishery products;
  • (possible) Structural assistance—scale of premiums;
  • (possible) Structural assistance—early retirement;
  • Fisheries relations with Morocco.

7 April: Industry Council

  • Industry and Competition—an oral presentation by the Commission on its interim report on competition policy in 1994;
  • Industry and Research—a joint presentation by Commissioners Bangemann and Cresson;
  • Industrial Co-operation with Central and Eastern Europe—discussion of Commission communication and adoption of Council Conclusions;
  • Industrial Competitiveness—adoption of Council Conclusions on Commission communication on follow-up to previous Council Conclusions on Competitiveness;
  • Hi-Technology Industries—adoption of Council Conclusions;
  • Information Society—Commission report on G7 conference and follow-up to Bangemann report;
  • Steel—Report on monitoring of state aid;
  • Possible presentation of modification to aid code.

10–11 April: Foreign Affairs Council

  • Adoption of the Agenda;
  • Approval of the list of 'A' items;
  • Resolutions adopted by the European Parliament at its Part-Sessions (Brussels, 28 February to 2 March, and Strasbourg, 13 to 17 March 1995);
  • Preparation for the joint meeting with the Associated CEEs;
  • Determination of the common position to be adopted for the first meeting of the Association Council with the Czech Republic;
  • Determination of the common position to be adopted for the first meeting of the Association Council with Romania;
  • (possible) Negotiating directives for the adaptation of the Europe agreements and free trade agreements with the Baltic countries, further to enlargement;
  • Relations with Russia;
  • Former Yugoslavia
  • Relations with Croatia;
  • WA 13
  • (possible) Stability Pact: Follow-up to the concluding conference;
  • Nuclear non-proliferation: Preparation for the conference on the NPT;
  • Burundi;
  • (possible) EU supervision of elections in the Palestinian territories;
  • (possible) Union action concerning anti-personnel mines—Mediterranean policy;
    1. a) Bilateral negotiations with Israel, Morocco and Tunisia;
    2. b) Preparation for the Euro-Mediterranean Conference: Adoption of the summary report;
  • Relations with Malta
    1. a) Action to be taken on the Commission report;
    2. b) Decision on signing the Fourth Financial Protocol;
  • Relations with Cyprus
  • —decision on signing the Fourth Financial Protocol;
  • Relations with Latin America
    1. a) (possible) Chile: Presentation by the Commission of its Assessment Report;
    2. b) Mexico: Strengthening of relations between the European Union and Mexico;
  • (possible) Japan
  • —Commission communication;
  • Trade questions
  • —establishment of the WTO and multilateral trade negotiations;
  • Mid-term review of the Fourth ACP—EC Convention
  • —8th EDF;
  • (possible) South Africa;
  • negotiating directives
  • Council report on the functioning of the treaty on European Union;
  • Transparency of Council proceedings.