HL Deb 03 April 1995 vol 563 c4WA
Lord Denning

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Answer of Baroness Blatch on 20 March (WA 59), what was the nature of the competition, as a result of which the Chief Commissioner was appointed; and, in particular, to whom it was open, who were those who competed and who made the appointment.

The Minister of State, Home Office (Baroness Blatch)

The Chief Charity Commissioner was recruited through a competition open to anyone who wished to apply, advertised in the national press. Government Departments were also advised of the competition by HM Treasury. One hundred and one applications were received, from which six candidates were short-listed for interview. Candidates put themselves forward for such posts on the understanding that their applications are treated in confidence. It is not the practice to make public details of candidates who are not appointed.

The appointment was made by warrant signed by the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the recommendation of a selection panel chaired by the First Civil Service Commissioner.

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