HC Deb 27 October 1994 vol 248 cc852-4W
Mr. Donohoe

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how much his Department has spent on postage, and how many items have been posted by his Department, in each of the last five years.

Mr. Lang

The information is set out in the table. The numbers of items posted for years prior to 1992–93 are not available.

Financial year Expenditure £million Items posted
1989–90 953,800 N/A
1990–91 986,064 N/A
1991–92 1,266,195 N/A
1992–93 1,140,700 3.5 million (approx.)
1993–94 1,316,231 3.5 million (approx.)

Subject Period conducted Contractor commissioned Objectives
Survey of Homeless Applications June—july 1993 Public Attitude Surveys Ltd. To examine the operation of the Code of Guidance on homelessness.
Edinburgh Castle Visitors Survey (Historic Scotland) May—december 1993 System Three Scotland To provide information on visitors to the Castle, their attitudes to services and facilities and to identify priorities for improving these facilities.
Awareness of Right to Buy and Rents to Mortgages March—april 1994 System Three Scotland To identify tenants' awareness of Right to Buy schemes.
Public Knowledge and Perception of Local Government September 1994 The MVA Consultancy To ascertain current public knowledge and awareness of local government, public perceptions of remoteness/accessibility and their identification with local government units as a base-line for monitoring change.
Rural Community Development study February 1994 System Three Scotland To provide a baseline picture of life four representative rural areas in order to monitor change and the impact of rural policy initiatives.
Water and Sewerage March—august 1994 Market Research Scotland To test the comprehensibility of the design and contents of the information leaflet; to evaluate recall of the contents and purpose of leaflet.
Sustainable Development September 1994 The MVA Consultancy To investigate public awareness and understanding of the concept of sustainable development.
Home and Health Department
Car Crime November 1992 Research Resources To determine amongst car users the steps taken to prevent car crime; their perception of car crime compared with other crimes; awareness of the "Hyena" campaign.
Scottish Crime Survey December 1992—december 1993 The MVA Consultancy Provide alternative indicator of the level and extent of household and personal victimisation in Scotland; provide information about public perceptions and experiences of crime and the criminal justice system more generally.
Fire Prevention February—march 1993—february 1994 Research Resources To measure awareness and understanding of the television commercial and assess the impact of the commercial in motivating householders to maintain their smoke alarms.
Information Needs of Victims January —august 1994 The MVA Consultancy Collect information on current provision of information to victims; provide overview of experience and needs of victims with reference to information provided by criminal justice agencies and identify gaps between needs and actual provision; identify what information could

Accurate counts are made of items issuing from main buildings, but estimates have had to be made for other offices throughout Scotland which do not feed into the central mail processing system.