HC Deb 29 November 1994 vol 250 cc617-8W
Mr. Cohen

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the countries from which foreign students have visited or will visit the United Kingdom for military training in United Kingdom military establishments during 1994.

Mr. Soames

Those countries from which foreign students have visited or will visit the United Kingdom for military training in United Kingdom military establishments during 1994 are as follows;

Country Country Country
Abu Dhabi Greece Pakistan
Albania Grenada Paraguay
Antigua Guyana Philippines
Australia Hong Kong Poland
Austria Hungary Portugal
Bahrain India Qatar
Bahamas Indonesia Romania
Bangladesh Ireland South Africa
Barbados Israel Saudi Arabia
Belgium Italy Senegal
Belize Ivory Coast Seychelles
Bermuda Jamaica Sierra Leone
Botswana Japan Singapore
Brazil Jordan Slovakia
Brunei Kenya Slovenia
Bulgaria Korea Spain
Canada Kuwait Sri Lanka
Cayman Island Latvia Sudan
Chile Lebanon Swaziland
St. Christopher Nevis Lithuania Sweden
Cyprus St. Lucia Switzerland
Czech Republic Malaysia Tanzania
Denmark Maldives Thailand
Dominican Republic Malta Trinidad and Tobago
Dubai Malawi Turkey
Ecuador Mauritius UAE
Egypt Montserrat Uganda
Estonia Mozambique Ukraine
Falkland Islands Namibia USA
Fiji Nepal Venezuela
Finland Netherlands St. Vincent
France Norway Yemen
Gambia New Zealand Zambia
Germany Oman Zimbabwe

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