HC Deb 02 November 1994 vol 248 cc1163-5W
Dr. Wright

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (1) how many of those people currently holding public appointments hold more than one appointment; and if he will list those people and the appointments they hold;

(2) how many members of public bodies have been dismissed from office since 1979.

Mr. Robert G. Hughes

This information is not held centrally.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how many names on the public appointments unit list currently hold public appointments.

Mr. Robert G. Hughes

This information is not readily available and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if the Government accepted the recommendations of the 1989 review of public appointments procedures that all Departments should set a target for the percentage of women in public appointments by the end of 1994; and if he will give details of targets for each Department and of current performance against it.

Mr. Robert G. Hughes

Departmental plans and goals for the increased representation of women on public bodies were published on 16 November 1992. A summary of these is in the Library of the House. Details of progress toward these goals can be found in "Public Bodies 1993", a copy of which is also available in the Library of the House.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how many of the public appointments which are made by Ministers are(a) full-time, (b) part-time, (c) paid, (d) unpaid, (e) full-time and paid, (f) part-time and paid, (g) full-time and unpaid and (h) part-time and unpaid.

Mr. Robert G. Hughes

This information is given in the Cabinet Office publication"Public Bodies 1993" a copy of which is in the Library of the House.

Dr. Wright

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how many of the public appointments made in 1993–94 were public appointments unit nominees; and if he will list these appointments.

Mr. Robert G. Hughes

During 1993–94, the public appointments unit learned of 134 appointments which were made following nomination by the unit. A list of these appointments is as follows:

Nationalised industries and public corporations:

  • Bank of England–1 appointment
  • British Railways Board–2 appointments
  • London Transport Board–1 appointment

Executive bodies:

  • Brent Housing Action Trust–1 appointment
  • Broadcasting Standards Council–1 appointment
  • Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work–1 appointment
  • Horticultural Development Council–1 appointment
  • Monopolies and Mergers Commission–1 appointment
  • Museum of London–1 appointment
  • Occupational Pensions Board–1 appointment
  • Regional Flood Defence Committees–2 appointments
  • Remploy Ltd.–2 appointments
  • Royal Armouries–1 appointment
  • Urban Development Corporations—3 appointments
  • Water Customer Service Committees–2 appointments

Advisory Bodies:

  • Advisory Committee on Business Appointments–1 appointment
  • Advisory Committee on Telecommunications—3 appointments
  • Citizens' Charter Complaints Task Force–1 appointment
  • Doctors' and Dentists' Review Body–1 appointment
  • Electricity Consumer Committees–5 appointments
  • Farm Animal Welfare Council–1 appointment
  • London Regional Passengers Committee–2 appointments
  • MAFF Regional Panels–4 appointments
  • National Consumer Council–2 appointments
  • Post Office Users' Council for Scotland–1 appointment
  • Royal Commission for Environmental Pollution–1 appointment
  • Schoolteachers' Review Body–1 appointment
  • Scottish Consumer Council–1 appointment
  • Social Security Advisory Committee–2 appointments
  • Transport Users' Consultative Committees–8 appointments


  • Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal–2 appointments
  • Copyright Tribunal—3 appointments
  • Meat Hygiene Appeals Tribunal–1 appointment
  • VAT Tribunal–1 appointment

National Health Service Bodies:

  • Regional and Special Health Authorities–2 appointments
  • District Health Authorities—3 appointments
  • Family Health Service Authorities–4 appointments
  • National Health Service Trusts–27 appointments

Executive Agency and other Management Boards:

  • Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research–1 appointment
  • Employment Services External Advisory Board–4 appointments
  • Insolvency Service Steering Board–1 appointment
  • Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre Advisory Board–1 appointment
  • Royal Mint–1 appointment

Other Appointments:

  • British Waterways Board–1 appointment
  • CAPAM–1 appointment
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority Committee of Enquiry–1 appointment
  • Final Selection Board–1 appointment
  • General Medical Council–1 appointment
  • General Optical Council–2 appointments
  • Home Office Inspectors of Constabulary Selection Panel–1 appointment
  • Independent Living Fund—3 appointments
  • Institute of Cancer Research Audit Committee–1 appointment
  • International Development Research Centre (South African Workshop)–1 appointment
  • National Board for Crime Prevention–2 appointments
  • National Support Force for Children's Residential Care–1 appointment
  • Registry of Friendly Societies–1 appointment
  • Restrictive Practices Court—3 appointments
  • Review of Government Administration in Lithuania–1 appointment
  • Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons–1 appointment
  • Royal Commonwealth Society of the Blind–1 appointment
  • Soil Association Organic Marketing Company Ltd–1 appointment
  • South African Advanced Education Project–1 appointment
  • US/UK Education Commission–1 appointment
  • Women's Issues Working Group–2 appointments