HC Deb 26 May 1994 vol 244 cc242-4W
Mr. Dunnachie

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what assessment he has made of how morale in NHS trust hospitals has been affected by changes in the numbers of staff on short-term contracts; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Stewart

The numbers of staff on short-term contracts is determined by the employing authority, whether NHS trust or health board. Any assessment of a relationship between morale and changes in the numbers of staff on such contracts in an NHS trust hospital is a matter for the trust hospital itself.

The NHS in Scotland management executive is concerned to improve morale in the NHS in Scotland and, following a survey on the impact of the 1991 document Framework for Action, has asked employing authorities to develop action plans to tackle those issues which are identified as requiring action locally. The outcome of these action plans will be reported to the management executive in February 1995.

Mr. Dunnachie

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will take steps to ensure that clinical directors in NHS trust hospitals have greater access to finance and information management training to help them participate in contract negotiations; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Stewart

National training provision is made through short courses available from the management development group at the Scottish health service centre and by the management education for clinicians project which receive funds from the Scottish Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education for this purpose.

A focused mailing to clinical directors in Scotland took place in January 1994 to draw attention to existing courses

Performance measures Key targets
The number of prisoners unlawfully at large. No 'A' category prisoners should escape.
The number of escapes by B category prisoners should not exceed 2.5 per 1,000 prisoners.
The number of significant incidents. The number of significant incidents should not exceed 11.
The number of serious assaults on staff and prisoners The number of serious assaults on staff should not exceed 5 per 1,000 staff.
The number of serious assaults on other prisoners should not exceed 10 per 1,000 prisoners.
Basic quality of life for prisoners. By April 1995 60 per cent, of available prisoner places will have access to forms of night sanitation.
The amount of available opportunities for prisoners' self development. 80 per cent. of convicted prisoners should have the opportunity of at least 7 hours per working day of programmed activities.
Time out of cell for unconvicted prisoners. On average 25 per cent. of unconvicted prisoner hours should be available for out of cell activities.
Average annual cost per prisoner place. To keep costs within £26,624 per place available for use.

on NHS information and financial management. Another mailing is planned for summer 1994. MEC has been involved in providing trust-based programmes for clinical directors for eight NHS trusts to date; all those programmes include sessions on finance, contracting and NHS information.

Mr. Dunnachie

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will take steps to increase the participation of clinical directors in negotiating contracts within NHS trust hospitals; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Stewart

Health boards and NHS trusts are responsible for deciding the make-up of their contracting negotiating teams. However, guidance issued by the management executive has always sought to encourage and emphasise the role of clinicians and other health professionals in the contracting process.