HL Deb 25 May 1994 vol 555 c37WA
Lord Reay

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will summarise the progress of the Know How Fund's Training for Investment Personnel Scheme, and make a statement.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

The Training for Investment Personnel Scheme (TIPS) was introduced in August 1990 as the second of two investment support schemes for British business under the auspices of the Know How Fund. To date, 120 businesses have taken up TIPS grant offers totalling £2.89 million. Further details about the scheme are in the Answer given in another place by my honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State to the honourable Member for Monklands West on 17th December 1993 at cols. 923–924.

In the light of the growing demand for grant from British business since 1990, I have decided that the scope and criteria of the scheme should remain but that in the future the basis for approving grant should be the number of trainees trained, with a ceiling of 70 per cent. on the proportion of eligible costs met. Small companies are likely to qualify for the higher rate of grant. The maximum amount of grant available for all applications will continue to be £50,000.

These changes will take effect on 1st June.