HC Deb 23 May 1994 vol 244 cc7-8W
Mr. Frank Field

To ask the right hon. Member for Selby, representing the Church Commissioners, who is drawing pensions after holding the offices of the First and Third Estates Commissioner, and of what amounts; on what basis the rate of pensions is calculated; and how many contributory years are required for a full plan.

Mr. Alison

The basis of calculation of the pensions payable to retired Church Estates Commissioners is set out in section 20 of the Church Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure, 1960, which contains the following provisionsThe Commissioners shall have power to grant to any First Church Estates Commissioner or Third Church Estates Commissioner who retires from from service as such a Commissioner—

  1. (a) if he has performed not less than fifteen years pensionable service, a pension of such amount as the Commissioners may determine not exceeding two-thirds of the salary to which he was entitled under section 9 of the Ecclesisatical Commissioner (Powers) Measure 1938 immediately before retirement;
  2. (b) if he has performed less than fifteen years but not less than five years pensionable service, a pension of such amount as the Commissioners may determine, being an amount not exceeding the aggregate of one thrid of the salary to which he was so entitled and one thirtieth of that salary of each completed year of pensionable service in excess of five;
  3. (c) if he has performed less than five years pensionable service but retires by reason of permanent disability for the performance of the duties of his office, a pension of such amount as the Commissioners may determine not exceeding one-third of the salary to which he was so entitled;
and a pension under this subjection shall be payable for the remainder of the life to whom it is granted. In determining the amount of the pension, if any, to be granted to a person under this subsection the Commissioners shall have regard to any superannuation benefits to which he may be entitled in respect of any other service performed by him before his pensionable service began. No lump sum is payable on retirement other than by commutation, nor is there provision for a widow's or widower's pension, other than by allocation of pension.

Four pensions are currently in payment at a total cost in 1993 of £84,000. It is not the commissioners' practice to publish details of payments made to particular individuals.

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