HL Deb 05 May 1994 vol 554 cc70-1WA
The Marquess of Salisbury

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How much has so far been spent on the proposed. community forests, and what has been achieved apart from the production of some glossy brochures.

The Earl of Arran

The Community Forests Initiative aims to create 12 new forests on the fringes of major towns and cities throughout the country. Since 1990, development teams have been appointed to draw up detailed plans for the implementation of each forest. Eleven of the 12 development teams have consulted, or are in the process of consulting, their local communities on these plans. It is estimated that about 5,000 individuals are contacted during a typical consultation exercise. The completed consultation exercises have demonstrated overwhelming public support for the Community Forests Initiative.

The Government have so far approved business plans for three community forests: Great North, Mercia and Thames Chase. In these forests, over 640 hectares of trees have already been planted and about 600 hectares of land have been opened for public access. The development teams for the other nine community forests will shortly be seeking government approval of the plans they have prepared in consultation with their local communities.

The development teams are also involved in a wide range of other activities, from managing existing woodlands to levering in private sector finance. Private sector companies have supported the Community Forests Initiative by seconding staff to a number of the development teams, planting trees on their own land, or sponsoring forest projects. The work of the 12 development teams has cost £660,000 per annum over the last three financial years.